Plesk Directories

Important Paths

Path to Perl:
/usr/bin/perl or /usr/bin/perl -w

Path to Sendmail:

Absolute path to your public web:

Absolute path to your cgi-bin

Absolute path to your logs

Plesk Directory Structures


This directory is where your anonymous FTP account is based (it is always there, regardless of whether your accounts supports it or not, and whether or not it's enabled). Under this directory, pub/ can be used to put files into for downloading, while any uploaded files will go into incoming/.


This cgi-bin directory that exists in /cgi-bin/ (the same directory where you'll see httpdocs and httpsdocs). In this /cgi-bin/ you can only run scripts (cgi, pl and php files) - you cannot store other types of files in this /cgi-bin/ directory.


These directories holds the basic configuration for your domain, needed by the web server. It can only be changed by Plesk itself, or our staff. If you require a change in this directory (for example, to permently change the open_basedir setting), you must contact us.


The main webpage for your domain would go here. By default you will see a basic index.html file as a place holder page.


If you have an ssl certificate & hosting then all files you wish to be shared via SSL would be placed here, and called by pointing a browser to


Contains the instructions to secure any protected directories


Is used to store any files you want, and they can only be accessed by the master FTP account for the domain (i.e. if you create separate FTP accounts for each sub-domain, user, etc. they can't access the directory).

They also cannot be accessed by any programs/scripts except CGI scripts running in the cgi-bin/ of the main website. If you want to back up important files or need a place to temporarily store/copy files, theprivate/ directory is a good place to do it.


This directory contains all error and access logs for your domain, as well as compiled statistics (webalizer stats), if enabled. Like conf/, you cannot access this directory directly - only though the Plesk Control Panel by using the Log Manager icon under each domain.


If you create any sub-domains in Plesk, their files will be held under this directory, not under httpdocs/. Each sub-domain created has it's own directory (e.g. subdomains/test/ for, under which are the directories httpdocs/, conf/ and cgi-bin/. All three have the same purpose as those in the home directory, where subdomains/test/httpdocs/ contains all the files for and subdomains/test/cgi-bin/ is used for for


If you want to create 'personal' spaces for friends, family, employees, etc., but don't want to let them directly access the website, or give them a sub-domain, you can set them up with their own Web User account.

Each Web User account will be stored under the web_users/ directory. For example, if you create the user 'username', their files will be held under web_users/username/, and they can access their space using http://www.domain.tld/~username/. (Web User accounts can only be accessed by using the ~ mark, as it tells the server to treat them as a Web User)


This directory holds the default error documents for your site (the pages that are displayed on a 404 or Page Not Found error for example). There are a number of restrictions in this directory - you can only change the contents of the files. You cannot add new ones or delete the ones that are already there.

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